An adjustment request may only be requested by the customer of record.
Types of Adjustments
West Virginia Water Company adjustment
WVAWC adjusts usage for several reasons including hidden leaks, over read meters, and public relations. After a customer requests an adjustment from WVAWC, the CSB billing department reviews the monthly meter information from WVAWC and recommends an adjustment if necessary. In cases that the meter information cannot be used, the customer’s monthly use is estimated from the average of previous 6 month period. The CSB does not make public relations adjustments.
Non-Sewer Usage Adjustments
Request for an adjustment due to water that is not returned to the sewer including water used for swimming pools, lawn watering, cooling towers, and coin laundries. The CSB does not make adjustments for these uses nor does the CSB allow deduct meters to be installed on the water line. A customer may install and maintain a separate water meter at their expense for water used but not returned to the sewer.
The CSB customers are not billed for the first 60 days of construction. This is to allow the builder a grace period in order to connect a new facility to the sanitary sewer system.
The CSB customers are charged a 10% penalty on current fees when payment is not received by the due date, as permitted by the WV Public Service Commission.
Charges are removed from CSB account when the Bankruptcy is discharged by the Bankruptcy Court.
Final approval of all adjustments is made by the CSB Finance Manager.